"An Ode to the Porcelain Throne," by Our Phoenix, AZ Plumber

Being a Phoenix plumber means much more than procuring a holistic understanding of the water workings in the home. All About Water’s experienced Phoenix AZ plumbers know plumbing goes deeper than clogged toilets and water filtration – plumbing is like a living organism, within which multiple systems function simultaneously to deliver and remove water from all throughout your home. Modern plumbing is a marvel!

Read our Phoenix AZ plumbers’ five favorite amazing facts about plumbing:

  1. The average person spends about three years sitting on a toilet throughout their lives
  2. More than 3 billion people worldwide do not have access to any form of toilet or latrine system. That’s about half of the global population.
  3. The first shower was invented around 300 B.C. in Greece. Ancient Greek athletes would use the showers to freshen up before entering the stadium arena.
  4. On average, 9,000 gallons of water are wasted every year while homeowners run the tap waiting to get hot water. These extra gallons can add up to 15% of your annual water heating costs. (A tankless water heater would solve that problem!)
  5. Mario, the Italian-American plumber from the Mushroom Kingdom, is the most recognizable plumber in the world.

For more fun facts and plumber insights, stick with All About Water!

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